This ministry thrust is born from the recognition that apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15:5). Knowing our weakness, as well as the big dreams we have for what we would like to see God do in and through us at Calvary, we are coming together in this initiative to ask for God’s help. For the next year (beginning in March of 2017) each participant will commit to pray for one hour each week for our ministry. The hour can be invested all at one time or split into segments (e.g. six ten minute intervals during the week). Requests will be emailed on Monday of each week to this band of praying brothers and sisters. This group of more than two hundred and fifty folks will accrue in excess of one thousand hours a month in concerted prayer for this ministry. We’ll do two things together. We’ll pray and then we’ll watch. In that sense, we will be praying with our eyes open to see just how the Lord will respond according to his will.
On Good Friday many incredible things happened. God, in Christ, offered an atoning sacrifice for our sin. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). All the distance from God that was created by our sin was done away with through Christ’s death, once for all, on our behalf. Now we are invited near, made righteous, and able to approach a holy God. We who have received Christ as our Savior now have access to God that we did not have before Good Friday. This access is celebrated in the New Testament book of Hebrews where the writer calls this access to God “a new and living way” (Hebrews 10:20). Nowhere is this access demonstrated any more clearly than with the curtain of separation which draped the access to the Holy of Holies sector of the Temple. When Jesus declared that, “It is finished!” and gave up his spirit, the curtain into the sanctuary where the presence of God dwelt was torn in two. The door into God’s presence is now wide open! Calvary is taking advantage of the Lord’s hospitality. We are coming in boldly and letting our requests be made known. We are doing so with a grateful heart. Who are we that God would take notice of us? (Psalm 8:4) We appeal to our Father in heaven who has invited us to come. It is his church. We are asking for his help. We have not recovered from the realization that God delights in our praying and wants us to be found asking…and receiving. How grateful we are at Calvary for these 259 pilgrims who have joined the effort.
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