We are using the celebration of our 100th year to position our church for what God has Next. We are anticipating what is Next by investing in our Children’s Ministry. We are pooling the gratitude we have toward God for Calvary in this giving opportunity which will take us into the future.
Over the next fifteen months we are asking God to give us an extra $275,000 in our Next offering. We will use these additional gifts to remodel our Children’s Ministry environments (nursery, toddler, preschool, and early elementary through the 5th grade). It is important that as we give these special extra gifts to our Next offering that we keep pace with our General Fund obligations.
We will reroof the 1949 building, which is thirty years old and ten years out of warranty. This will enable us to face a major expenditure outside of our general fund budget. We will create new nursery and toddler space in our current Welcome Center. We will paint and carpet our Beginner Building for repurposed Adult Ministry space (including a new Celebrate Recovery environment). Upstairs we will develop safe, secure, and new dedicated Children’s Ministry space (preschool-5th grade).
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. – Hebrews 13:8
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