Prayer Group
Each Wednesday at 7 p.m. there is a group that prays in the church library. These brothers and sisters take up concerns in and around our ministry and lift them up to the Lord in prayer. All are welcome to come to this time of prayer.
Men’s Study – Crucible Men (led by Ken Chard)
Room: B-10
Men, it’s time to step into the forge as we kick off Series 3, A Man and His Traps, on January 8 and 9. This study will challenge you to recognize the pitfalls that distract men from God and equip you to rise above them. Following that, we’ll dive into Series 4, A Man and His Work, exploring how authentic men approach work with purpose and integrity. Each session is $15 to cover the cost of materials. See Tyler Moore to handle payment or mark your offering as “414 books” (separate from your tithes). Don’t miss this chance to sharpen your focus and strengthen your walk. This class meets on Wednesday evenings (7-8:30 p.m.) and repeats on Thursday mornings (6-7:15 a.m.) PLEASE REGISTER HERE
Women’s Study – LORD, is it Warfare? Teach Me to Stand – led by Traci Krumpelman
Room: E15
This 12-week devotional study is on spiritual victory. This study identifies the biblical tools which equip believers for spiritual battle. Once you become a Christian, you enter a war zone. Identifying Satan’s battle tactics and devices is important, but it is even more important to know what Scripture has to say about the One Who secured ultimate victory over the devil. In Christ’s victory, we can become “more than conquerors through Him Who loved us.” The cost of the workbook is $16. This class meets on Wednesday evenings (7-8:30 p.m.) and repeats on Thursday mornings (9-10:30 a.m.)
Study on Prayer – led by Pastor Eric (for everybody)
Let us pray! Join Pastor Eric as he leads in this forum of learning the habits and practices of a life of prayer. Tim Keller’s book entitled “Prayer” will be read and used as the catalyst for our discussion, before we engage in a laboratory of prayer and its practice on each Wednesday night of these weeks together. The books have already been purchased. The cost is $10 for this study.
Men’s Study – Crucible Men (led by Ken Chard)
6:00 – 7:15am
Room: B-10
We’ll begin with a six-week session, “A Man and His Design,” where we’ll dive into how God created men and what that looks like in practical terms. Then, in the first week of November, we’ll start the second six-week session, “A Man and His Story.” Ken will facilitate both the Wednesday evening (7-8:30pm) and Thursday morning (6-7:15am) sessions. We will meet in room B10 (past the Nursery in Lobby 3).
Women’s Study – PSALMS (led by Traci Krumpelman)
Room: E15
Join us as we study Psalms 23-41 over the next 11 weeks. “Good and upright is the LORD; Therefore, He instructs sinners in the way.” (Psalm 25:8). What a rich and fulfilling study this will be! David’s heart desire was to “dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” He would learn many valuable lessons along the way, though, namely, to wait on the LORD and to worship Him in the “waiting.” The cost of the workbook is $16.
If you have questions please visit our contact page and send us a message.
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