In light of the rising COVID infection rates in Northern Kentucky and Governor Beshear’s press conference announcements this week, we are facing alterations in our schedule and offerings at Calvary. We shall not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (in person) in worship, while we fight forward with reasonable health measures. Here is what that means over the next eight Sundays at Calvary. From November 22nd (this coming Sunday) through January 10th, Calvary will host its worship services at 9:00 and 10:30 am (please note the 8:00 am worship service is moved up to 9:00 am). There will be no ABFs for these eights weeks (nor CU, Life Groups, Mid-Week Youth Groups, or in person AWANA). During the 10:30 services over these eight weeks, we will host our Nursery, Beginner Church, Disciplekidz, JUMP Jr., Connect, and Ignite ministries simultaneous with our worship service. Our newly launched College Ministry will continue to meet after the service in the firehouse. I am asking us to distance, be safe, wash our hands, and wear masks to get into the building and into our seats and upon departure. These eight weeks are even outside of what the governor’s timeline has suggested. We are doing even more. It also allows Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year’s gatherings to take place, with a two week quarantine buffer as well, before we resume our life together in these other forms of ministry (ABFs, Life Groups, in person AWANA, CU, MId-Week Youth Ministries, etc.). Thank you for your grace and understanding and for fighting forward in unity together in these odd days. Let’s pour grace and charity on everything. People are hurting and COVID tired. Jesus reigns and is inviting us to trust Him.
If you have questions please visit our contact page and send us a message.
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