We all love authentic people. Genuineness is such a great quality. When how people live matches up with what they say they believe, authentic Christian faith shines. When it shines, it is not easily dismissed. It is attractive and draws people to our Savior. When God builds the distinguishing marks of an authentic life into the heart of a believer, that is a sister of influence. When God helps a brother grow up toward maturity, the integrity of his faith is compelling. God is going to use this new preaching series on the book of James as Miracle Grow for our lives.
In America, hypocrisy is hurting our witness. We must add to our affirmations of orthodox faith authentic lives of obedience. The book of James will call us to shape our lives along the contour of wisdom that points to Jesus Christ. True faith works itself out to authenticity. James will get into the stuff of our lives and hold up the mirror of God’s standard, and he will ask us how it all fits. We need James. He will take us onto where we need to go, onto authenticity! Let’s go there together!
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