What did Jesus’ miracles accomplish? Why did he perform them? What purpose did they serve? What if the miracles were billboards pointing forward to the Kingdom of God? What if they represented windows through which we could look to see what is ahead? What if all along the miracles were pointing to what is going to be when the Kingdom of God is established? What if the miracles of Jesus were designed to fill in all of the blanks of our hope. Nobody can live without hope. But, for what do we hope? Jesus helps us anticipate what will be when Eden is restored at His coming. Hope is the minimum requirement for our perseverance. People of hope have fuel to keep going through hard things in a broken world. People of hope are people of joy. They live knowing it is not always going to be like it is now. In fact, Jesus opens windows through which His people get some idea of what is before us in the glory that is coming with the establishment of His Kingdom. His miracles sing “Joy To The World” out loud, “No more let sin and sorrow reign, nor thorns infest the ground, He comes to make His blessings known, as far as the curse is found.” The miracles help us understand the world that is to come in which the curse is gone. We’ll spend the next six months with Jesus on Sunday mornings. We’ll look out through the windows He installed with His miracles. He will enable us to see what is coming and embed those vistas into our minds. Our hope will take on a full luster. The Kingdom has come, and is coming! We can see it now…through His miracles in His ministry. Let’s allow our hope to grow to robust levels and have our tanks full of anticipation for what is before us. We can see it now through the miracles of Jesus. Let’s allow His miracles to display what we can anticipate. Indeed, your kingdom come! Let’s see it ahead of time in this series. For followers of Jesus, this is going to end very well! Let’s see!
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