The age-old struggle for the people of God is in letting our surroundings swallow up our resolve to follow the Lord. The world constantly seduces us to change and adopt its party-line about everything. We live in that world and God has called us to live boldly for him. But where can we find models to help? Daniel 1 is our template. He will show us the way forward. He knew first hand how hard it is to live in Babylon and be faithful. We have our own Babylonian surroundings and Sunday will give us strategies to adopt to thrive as parents and Christ-followers. Daniel 1 is before us on this special Sunday that we recognize our school. Dr. Bill Dickens, headmaster, and Mrs. Tonya Burns, elementary principal, will have our school faculty and staff here to dedicate themselves to a year of nurture and education. But the challenge to live daring to be Daniel-like is for all of us. This Sunday will ask, “Are we up for it?”
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